Location:Las Vegas Hilton Convention Center Men’s Restroom
Coordinates: 36-08-08.46 N 115-09-08.19 W
Condition: INDOOR
Cost: Free, ok… gotta be a man… 🙂
Photo Equipement: iPhone 3GS
Activity Popularity: 3/5
Photo Popularity: 2/5
In Las Vegas anything can happen. I have seen this picture before in at the bottom of Lifehacker.com and other websites, but I never knew where it was until I ran across it during a trip to Las Vegas. It is a rare find and it is a place where people don’t usually take pictures, but process with caution and proceed with your own judgement. With that said, it is a very creative wall and a place where you can snap a quick shot to show your friends.
More in formations in the link below.